We've been collecting lots of conkers this year, everywhere we go Ethan spots them and has to stop to pick up as many as he can carry (or I can carry I should say!) So we've got loads of them at home and had to find something to do with them, so as we're getting into the Halloween spirit, we decided to make them look like pumpkins!
We started by painting them orange, we just used regular children's paint so it didn't cover the conkers completely. I'm sure that if you wanted them to look really vibrant you could try sanding them a bit to create a rough surface for the paint to stick to, or using some more heavy duty paint.
The next step was to cut up some small pieces of green pipe cleaner to stick on the top of the pumpkins with glue for the stems. I cut the pipe cleaners for Ethan (as his scissors aren't strong enough) and he stuck them on with PVA / white glue.
Then it was time to draw spooky faces on our pumpkins! For this we just used regular markers / felt tips. It was a great way to reinforce the facial features that we have to draw, as well as shapes for the triangle eyes and nose. Ethan had a real good try at drawing faces on his pumpkins. He was so proud of himself when they were finished as well, he wanted to display them all proudly on the shelf and showed Daddy as soon as he got home!
For more of our Halloween activities, recipes and crafts, have a look at our Pinterest board:
Awww so cute!