Today we had a few set backs to our perfect Halloween, but in the end it turned out really well :) Ethan's costume didn't arrive in time, and he's got a bit of a cold, so we decided not to do too much today, just had fun at home until a Halloween party in the late afternoon. We had Halloween themed food throughout the day and then got ready to go to the party. I had to improvise a bit with the costume, but luckily we had a fabulous tail that Ethan got for his birthday from his Auntie (she got it from Tell Tails) and then I cut some spikes out of felt and used double sided tape to stick them to a grey hoodie to make him into a dinosaur! As soon as we arrived at the party we got his face painted, his first time ever having it done, he was so good about it, and it completed his costume perfectly.
The party was lots of fun, there were games, crafts, a bouncy castle, toys and hot dogs for dinner. Ethan loved everything about it, he was running around from one thing to the next full of energy and excitement. I was undecided about trick or treating with him at this young age, but on the walk there I had noticed quite a few houses that were decorated for Halloween, so after we left the party I asked Ethan if he wanted to do some trick or treating. Of course he said yes, and after the imaginative play that we did yesterday he was completely prepared and knew exactly what to do. He loved it! He was so polite and said 'trick or treat' and 'thank you' every time, everyone loved him and offered him more candy! He was hooked and kept asking to go to another house, so then we had to spot the pumpkins outside the houses so that he knew which ones he could go to. We even managed to time it so that Daddy could meet us to go to a few houses on his way home from work. It was such a fun Halloween, Ethan is completely exhausted now and will hopefully get a good nights sleep, despite his cold. Happy Halloween!
Follow Play & Learn Everyday's board Halloween on Pinterest.
The party was lots of fun, there were games, crafts, a bouncy castle, toys and hot dogs for dinner. Ethan loved everything about it, he was running around from one thing to the next full of energy and excitement. I was undecided about trick or treating with him at this young age, but on the walk there I had noticed quite a few houses that were decorated for Halloween, so after we left the party I asked Ethan if he wanted to do some trick or treating. Of course he said yes, and after the imaginative play that we did yesterday he was completely prepared and knew exactly what to do. He loved it! He was so polite and said 'trick or treat' and 'thank you' every time, everyone loved him and offered him more candy! He was hooked and kept asking to go to another house, so then we had to spot the pumpkins outside the houses so that he knew which ones he could go to. We even managed to time it so that Daddy could meet us to go to a few houses on his way home from work. It was such a fun Halloween, Ethan is completely exhausted now and will hopefully get a good nights sleep, despite his cold. Happy Halloween!
Follow Play & Learn Everyday's board Halloween on Pinterest.