Happy New Year! As Ethan is only 2 and will never make it to midnight (nor would we want him to!) we rang in the new year early, with the lovely people of Sydney, Australia! They are kind enough to have a live feed of their fireworks display and to celebrate at 1pm our time, perfect! This way Ethan got to wear the new years hat that he made, watch the fireworks and make some noise for new years, a fun part of his Personal, Social and Emotional Development as he learns about different celebrations.
Ethan was so excited, he's been saying 'Happy New Year' all day and couldn't wait to see the fireworks. We decorated his hat together before lunch, then finished lunch just in time for the countdown. Ethan can't count backwards yet, but afterwards he kept saying '1, 2, 3 - Happy New Year!' I got out lots of his instruments, so he rang bells and blew on whistles. He loved watching the fireworks, identifying all the different colours he could see. Such fun, and now the celebrations are over in time for his nap, perfect!
Ethan was so excited, he's been saying 'Happy New Year' all day and couldn't wait to see the fireworks. We decorated his hat together before lunch, then finished lunch just in time for the countdown. Ethan can't count backwards yet, but afterwards he kept saying '1, 2, 3 - Happy New Year!' I got out lots of his instruments, so he rang bells and blew on whistles. He loved watching the fireworks, identifying all the different colours he could see. Such fun, and now the celebrations are over in time for his nap, perfect!