I went to Britmums Live for the first time last year, and had such a lovely time. I was about 6 weeks pregnant, so a little bit queasy, but otherwise had a fantastic time, learned loads, met other bloggers and was inspired to make some changes to my blog and take this all a bit more seriously.
Since then I was shortlisted for a Brilliance in Blogging award in the crafts category! I was so excited and couldn't believe it, everything I learned at Britmums Live last year definitely paid off.
This year I have a gorgeous 4 month old baby girl, and we've got visitors coming on the Saturday, so I really didn't think that I would be going to Britmums. But at the last minute, seeing everyone's excited tweets, I decided to just go for it! I'll only be attending on the Friday, and I'll have Ivy with me, so I'm not quite sure how much I'll get out of it, but hopefully I'll get to squeeze in as much as I can in one day (and get to give some blogging friends some lovely Ivy cuddles!)
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I loved my personalised Coke last year! |
Name: Niki
Blog: Play & Learn Everyday
Twitter ID: @PlayLearnToday
Height: 5ft 8
Hair: A disaster...I mean, browish with highlights that need redoing, probably tied back in a ponytail, no time for anything fancy, I have a 4 month old and a toddler!
Eyes: Brown
Is this your first blogging conference?
No, it will be my third :)
Are you attending both days?
Unfortunately not, just the Friday (but I'm hoping that the lovely people at BritMums can bring me a goody bag one day early! I love a goody bag :)
What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2014?
Meeting lots of bloggers that I've been chatting with on Twitter...and that lovely goody bag ;)
What are you wearing?
I have no idea, hopefully I'll find something in the next few weeks!
What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2014?
I really want to get a bit of inspiration to give my blog a little boost, I've been thinking about changing it up a bit, but I need some guidance to take it to the next level.
Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before?
Just not to worry or be nervous about it, everyone is so friendly and there for the same reason, happy to be approached and ready to chat.
See you there, I'll be the one pushing the huge pram with a very cute baby inside!