3 years old

Octonauts Party Decorations - Cuttlebug Review and Giveaway


Last week I wrote about Ethan's Octonauts Third Birthday Party and made a quick mention of the decorations that I had embossed.  Well, that fun embossing of decorations was made possible by the Cricut Cuttlebug.  I received one to review shortly before his party, so I quickly tried it out to make a few Octonauts decorations.

The Cuttlebug is an embossing and cutting machine.  It is really simple to use, basically just putting the paper that you want to cut or emboss in between the cutting pads, turning the handle of the machine to push it through and taking it out the other side.  The Cuttlebug comes with one embossing folder, and I was given a couple of extras to try it.  Unfortunately it didn't come with any cutting dies, and I wasn't able to find any to buy in time, so I couldn't try out the cutting.  My only complaint about the Cuttlebug is that you have to buy all of the embossing folders and cutting dies separately, I think that it would be nice to come with some basic designs and shapes, but I think that is true of all machines of this type.

For the party I made some bunting, I actually bought the precut card, but then I embossed it with the zigzag embossing folder and the dotty embossing folder.  It was so easy to do and I think that it gave the bunting a little something extra special.  I also embossed the bandage symbol for the party boxes.  This was perfect as I needed the bandages to have dots like a real plaster, and they came out even better than I had hoped!  I can't wait to get some cutting dies and more embossing folders to make some more projects with my Cuttlebug!

Would you like to win a Cricut Cuttlebug?  What would you make first with it if you won?

Giveaway open to residents of the UK only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

* This is a review post, I was given a Cuttlebug to use and to write my honest review about.* 

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  1. A birthday card for my youngest son! Thank you x

  2. This looks like a great prize. I would use it to make decorations for my daughter's third birthday.

  3. I would start making the christmas cards.

  4. Linda F McGarrigle19 October 2014 at 11:20

    Christmas Decorations with the help of the girls of course x

  5. I'd be embossing everything .... texture, textre, texture

  6. I love scrapbooking and I am trying to finish my Wedding Pages - So this would be amazing for that - thank you so much for the fantastic giveaway x

  7. party decorations for my childs birthday party and baby announcement cards for when baby number two arrives!

  8. I'd make some party invitations for my little boy's birthday party and loads of christmas and birthday cards x

  9. What would you make first if you won the Cuttlebug?
    Probably Christmas crads

  10. emboss some christmas cards that would be special

  11. party invitations for my mum's surprise party

  12. I would make some cards with my daughter for her friends.

  13. I would make Christmas cards

  14. Definately some Christmas cards! x

  15. I would love to try some bunting like you have done, it looks good

  16. I would make lots of Christmas cards

  17. We would make Christmas cards for the family

  18. I've got some birthday parties coming up so invites to these would be great using the cuttlebug

  19. I have a friend who is moving house so would make a 'Welcome to Your New Home' card

  20. some unique christmas cards would be my first attempt!

  21. I would get started on my christmas cards!

  22. I would start making some lovely Christmas Decorations and Cards x

  23. November is the time to prepare for Christmas, therefore Christmas cards seems like the most logical choice

  24. I would make like to make bespoke christmas cards for my cross stitches and also things for my children for christmas such as Santa please stop here signs and bunting for their rooms. I would also like to make lables for the children's teachers presents which will be snowman soup and also to make name placecards for the christmas table. I love crafting and this would be so well used.

  25. I'd make Christmas cards and gift tags

  26. Definitely impress family and friends with some awesome xmas cards xx

  27. I would have a go at some Xmas bunting x

  28. It would have to be Christmas cards wouldn't it.

  29. I'd make thank you cards for my little girl to give out after christmas to thank people for her gifts.

  30. I'd make decorations for my daughters mermaid party

  31. I would make cards

  32. I would make Christmas decorations.

  33. Christmas cards and decorations.

  34. oh the possibilities are endless here....boxes....cards....decorations....wall art...what a fantastic product x

  35. I would make die cut shapes for my Christmas cards

  36. Party decorations for my sons birthday in January

  37. I'd make some christmas cards

  38. I'd make some fancy Christmas Cards

  39. Some special Christmas cards for some really special people, my 5 Granddaugters

  40. A birthday card for my best friend :)

  41. I really fancy trying out some vinyl transfers on t-shirts and tote bags!

  42. A birthday card for my son.

    Hazel Rea - @beachrambler

  43. A birthday card for my Mum from my daughter :) xx


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