Ivy has finally got her very own bedroom! At just over a year old, we hadn't actually intended on keeping her in with us for so long, but then we hadn't intended on living in this house for so long, so everything hasn't quite gone to plan. We've had some bad luck with the houses that we're trying to buy falling through, but we're in a lovely rental house for now, and hopefully we'll find the perfect house soon. We decided that it was time to rearrange the rooms and give Ivy a little space of her own, even if it is just for a few months.
There were a few challenges to face as the room is very small, we didn't actually want to buy any new furniture as we really are moving soon (hopefully) and we couldn't paint or put up any permanent fixtures as we're renting...but I think that we still made a lovely little space for our lovely little lady! Our theme is a purple starry sky, but we've also got lots of teddies to go along with it.
We're also using a couple of other night stands to hold the rest of Ivy's clothes, with a basket of all of her lotions and potions on top (we love Aveeno, Sophie la Giraffe and everything from Neal's Yard for her sensitive skin) all of her jewellery in an adorable starry jewellery box and her hair bows in the tin that had biscuits in that we received as a gift when she was born. There are also some frames from Mothercare that I need to find some cute photos for above the night stands. They're from the Bedtime Wish range, which I love! We've also got the door hanger from there, and may have to go back for a few more bits.
Overall I really am happy with Ivy's little room, now if I could only convince her to sleep through and stay in her bed all night!
* This post contains affiliate links to some of the items through Amazon, and regular links to the rest if you're interested in purchasing any of the items for your own little ones rooms. *
We've got the Ikea chair where I sit with Ivy and read her bedtime story and she has her milk before bed. On it are the sun and cloud cushions from Ikea and the star from Mothercare, which I love. We've also got the laundry basket from Ikea on the floor beside the chair. Up on the shelves we've got an assortment of baskets holding books and teddies, along with part of Ivy's teddy collection. We also have a keepsake box from TK Maxx, full of Ivy's special baby memories.
Ivy's cot is from Mothercare and her starry bedding is from John Lewis (quilt) and The White Company (sheet). We've decorated the walls with photos of Ivy, like her cake smash collage and her weekly photos collage as well as star wall stickers. On the night stand Ivy's got her Twilight Ladybug, a Steiff lamb, and a starry sky projector, all lovely birthday gifts that Ivy received.
Overall I really am happy with Ivy's little room, now if I could only convince her to sleep through and stay in her bed all night!
* This post contains affiliate links to some of the items through Amazon, and regular links to the rest if you're interested in purchasing any of the items for your own little ones rooms. *