Sometimes I just can't believe quite how quickly Ethan is growing up, and that we're actually now playing a spelling game. Didn't he just start talking yesterday? How is it possible that he's 3 1/2 years old and starting to learn his letters and sounds? But he is, and we've been reviewing this fun game called Match and Spell from Orchard Toys.
This game is great because you can play it at several different levels. To begin with you can choose the simple 3 letter CVC (consonant - vowel - consonant) words and lay out the letters for your little one to choose from, and then when they become more familiar you can just leave out all the letters for them to find the ones that they need.
I was amazed at how quickly Ethan picked it up, he was easily matching the letters and repeating their sounds after me. I was having him sound out each letter and blend them together, so while he was having fun matching letters he was learning the phonics sounds as we went along. He was happy to do all of the words in the box, even the trickier four letter words. And once he's past the matching stage we'll be able to turn the cards over where there is just a picture and blank spaces for him to spell the words out himself.
* This is a review post, we were sent the Match and Spell game from Orchard Toys to play and to write an honest review about. *