Since moving to our new house Ethan has become completely obsessed with playing Poohsticks at a nearby river, so we're also loving the book A Perfect Day for Poohsticks all about Winnie the Pooh and his friends having a game.
Just in case you're not familiar with the game, all you need is a bridge over a river and a stick each to play. You stand on the side of the bridge that the river is flowing towards and drop your sticks in, then run to the other side to see who's stick comes through the other side first, and they are the winner! Ethan loves to play, we actually can't walk past the river without having at least one go.
One day we decided to have a little game of Poohsticks at home, using our tuff spot. We used lolly sticks stuck together with washi tape to make a bridge (balanced on a plastic cup) then found some small sticks to play with. As it wasn't a flowing river we then had to blow as hard as we could to make our stick win, Ethan loved it...but he still prefers the real thing!
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