Sometimes mornings are just too hectic to make a proper breakfast, so I do love when we've thought ahead and made overnight oats the day before. And as it's coming up to autumn what better to have then some yummy apple and cinnamon oats for breakfast?
I always have Ethan help me when I prepare overnight oats as it's a fun activity for him, and it's something to keep him busy either as I'm making dinner or after dinner when he's always searching for things to do. It's so easy for him to measure out the ingredients as it's all quite simple and he always loves to stir it all up! We even get to make our own applesauce for this one, so I start by having Ethan help me to slice up the apples before I warm them on the stove in a bit of water until they're soft, then we mash them up using a potato masher.
Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats
1 cup oats
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon honey
1/4 cup applesauce
dash of cinnamon
Once the applesauce has cooled we can start getting together the rest of our ingredients. We measure out the oats, yogurt and applesauce in the cups, then add a bit of honey to the yogurt to sweeten it up a bit and a bit of cinnamon to the apples for a lovely flavour. Then Ethan gets to mix it all up in the bowls and put it into the fridge to set overnight.
The next morning the kids are excited to eat the breakfast that they made the night before, especially when it's got applesauce in it (which they both love!) This recipe does make quite a thick bowl of oats as I find it's less messy for Ivy and easier for her to get on the spoon, but I added a bit of milk to Ethan's in the morning to make his more smooth. I love overnight oats because it isn't an exact science, you can easily experiment with slightly different quantities to find the ways that each member of the family likes it best. And it's so quick to grab these bowls out of the fridge and ready to eat for everyone, so that we can get out the door and be on time for school!
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