It is nearly time for the kids to go back to school and for some children it can be quite a stressful time if they don't feel confident in their abilities and their knowledge of the subjects that they're learning. This is when having a tutor can really help to prepare your child and bring them up to the level of the rest of the children in their class, and make them feel much happier about going back to school. If you are looking for a tutor but don't know where to start, there's a great website called Tutorfair which makes finding a suitable tutor quick and easy.
Over the summer a lot of children forget all about what they've been doing in school and spend their days playing outside, which is extremely beneficial to them in so many ways. I am a huge advocate of learning through play and discovery and I think that kids learn so much over the holidays that they can't learn in a classroom. However, they can suffer from summer learning loss simply because they aren't reading their school books and having the concepts that they've been learning in school reinforced every day. I have no doubt that most parents encourage their children to keep reading, to take part in library programs, to do some fun maths workbooks and to do plenty of learning and discovering whilst they're on holiday, but it's impossible to keep up with everything that they've been covering at school.
There are also situations where that extra help can really get your child starting off on the right foot. Ethan's starting at a new preschool this year, and whilst I'm not worried about his knowledge level as it is only preschool, I can see how changing schools can have such a massive effect on your child socially. I would feel better knowing that my little boy is starting off at the same level academically as the children in his new school, so that he could spend those first few weeks focusing on making friends and finding out where he fits in and less time worrying and fretting over taking part in class because he doesn't know what's going on. A couple of sessions of tutoring before going back to school couple make a huge difference for a child's confidence in the classroom.
That's where tutoring can come in to fill the gaps, with a qualified tutor who is familiar with the curriculum and can come in and continue your child's' learning wherever they left off. And Tutorfair makes it easy to find a suitable tutor for your needs, you simply enter your postcode and the subject that you're looking for help with and up pops a list of all the tutors in your area that can help with that subject. You can then go through the list yourself and read all about the various tutors qualifications, experience and how much they charge per hour.
And what makes Tutorfair unique is the fair part; for every child who pays they give free tutoring to a child that can't. From my experience working as a teacher at various schools around London I can't tell you how happy this makes me to hear this. There are so many children that could benefit from that extra bit of tuition to really help them to achieve great things, and every child really does deserve that opportunity. So if I can help other children just by having my own child tutored, then that's a great place to start.
Kids are like little sponges, they just learn so quickly, especially when they are taught one on one. When I worked as a teacher (before the kids were born) I used to do some tutoring on the side as well, and the difference in the children's ability to absorb information when I tutored them compared to teaching them in a classroom was astonishing to watch. From working with a child one on one I was able to really get them up to speed quickly, so if you've still got a week or two until school starts it really isn't too late to start the preparation process.
"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today."
H. Jackson Brown Jr
* This is a sponsored post written in collaboration with Tutorfair. *