I know that I probably shouldn't say it, but I love autumn! Of course I'm sad that summer's over, but there's just something about all of those beautiful coloured crunchy leaves that I just can't get enough of. And it just creates the best sensory materials for kids to really be able to explore and discover in so many different ways. Here are the best ten ideas that I could find:
Last year we made these fun Autumn Discovery Bottles I made them with Ivy in mind as she was just 9 months old then, and she loved them! But Ethan really enjoyed making them and playing with them too.
This Fall Leaves Soup from And Next Comes L is such a fantastic idea that I will definitely be trying, I'm sure that the leaves would be even more fun to play with in the water. There is nothing more fun than playing with a big bin of crunchy leaves like they did with this Fall Sensory Bin: Squirrel Play from The Pleasantest Thing. It just shows that you don't need to make things complicated to have a lot of fun and exploration.
We haven't tried having a sensory table that the kids can come and explore whenever they like, but this Autumn Sensory Table from The Imagination Tree looks like a great way to start. We had so much fun collecting acorns the other day, so I'm sure that Ethan and Ivy would love to explore them more with these Fall Acorn Activities from Little Bins for Little Hands.
This Autumn Sensory Play from Mama's Happy Hive takes more of a Montessori angle with these simple transfer activities for young children to explore. And the Autumn Jello Sensory Bin from Learn Play Imagine is just way too fun to resist, those colours of jello look amazing together!
There are a variety of different sensory tubs that I love, including this Fall Farm Sensory Tub from No Time for Flash Cards with its corn base this Fall Sensory Bin from Fantastic Fun and Learning that uses a combination of natural and store bought materials and this Fall Sensory Bin from Happy Hooligans that is so gorgeously colourful and has a great variety of textures.
Now I can't wait for fall to collect leaves, acorns and conkers and get started with some more sensory activities!
This post is part of a blog hop with other creative bloggers listing a variety of different apple and fall activities that you've got to try, go take a look!
Top 10 Play Recipes for Fall from Craftulate
Top 10 Fall STEM Activities from Little Bins for Little Hands
Top Ten Apple Cocktails from Our Good Life
Top 10 Books on Apples for Learning from Powerful Mothering
Top 10 Playful Apple Activities for Toddlers from School Time Snippets
Top 10 Apple Projects for Crochet Lovers from Words n Needles
Top 10 Science Ideas for Fall from P is for Preschooler
Top 10 Recipes for Apples from Nemcsok Farms
Top 10 Fine Motors Skills Apple Activities from Crafty Kids at Home
Top 10 Fall Sensory Activities from Play & Learn Everyday
Top 10 Fall Nature Crafts from Rhythms of Play
Top 10 Free Apple Printables from Something 2 Offer
Top 10 Apple Themed Learning Activities from Artsy Momma
Top 10 Apple Activities for Preschool from The Pleasantest Thing
Fall is my favorite too! I love those discovery bottles - they're so great for babies or toddlers who are still mouthing!