We were lucky enough to have an opportunity to go skiing not far from London last week, and we were so excited! It's not often that you get a fun day in the snow in this part of England, never mind in October. Ethan and Ivy have only experienced snow a couple of times, but as I'm Canadian it's always been such a big part of my life, so I'll take every chance I can to let them have fun in the snow! So of course we said yes when Crystal Ski Holidays invited us to a day out at The Snow Centre, and indoor skiing venue just outside London.
We started the day by playing the Snow Garden, with it's slides for sledding down, a place to dig in the snow and even an igloo to play in. Ethan and Ivy both loved sledding and went over and over again, and had a fun game of hide and seek in and around the igloo. It was so much fun for me seeing them all dressed up in their snow gear and having so much fun in the snow. Neither of them complained about being cold once!
The best part of the day had to be our skiing lesson though, Ethan skied for the first time and absolutely loved it. He's just 4 years old, so I wasn't sure if he would be too young to ski, but that seems to be the age that many lessons start. He was fitted with boots, skis and a helmet and taught how to shuffle along and to sidestep in his skis before going up the little lift and having his first go down the hill. He was a natural!
Once it was over he didn't want the lesson to end! He really did take to it so quickly, and we had told him not to worry if he fell over, so he was happily falling and being helped up over and over again. The look on his face said it all though, he had the hugest smile every time he got to the bottom of the hill. It looks like we're going to have to book a ski holiday soon!
* This post was written as a result of being invited to The Snow Centre by Crystal Holidays as part of an event that they were hosting.*