2 1/2 years old

Talking Messy goes to Okido Toy Review


The kids are big fans of Messy goes to Okido, it's such a cute show for them to watch and it's one that I approve of because it is educational as well.  So when we were asked if we wanted to review a new Talking Messy toy from Golden Bear of course we jumped at the chance.  When Messy arrived in his box Ivy was so desperate to get him open that I could hardly even take a photo of him first!

It's a lovely soft toy that is perfect for cuddling with, and has no loose parts so it is even suitable for small babies.  And of course the best part is that when you squeeze his tummy he talks!  He says all of his catchphrases from the show, which the kids were so excited about!  I think their favourite is "Let's skidoodle okidoodle!" or maybe "balabalaboomboom!" those are the ones they repeat the most anyway!

We also got to have a look at the Messy goes to Okido magazines, which we actually haven't seen before but I will definitely be looking for now.  Each magazine has a theme and is packed full of arts and science activities for children to do to learn more about the theme. There are some activities to do in the magazine as well as ideas for baking and crafts to do alongside them.  Ivy happily sat and went through the magazine with her Messy toy and did lots of the activities and really enjoyed them (with a little bit of help of course).

Then when it's time for a bit of a break (and usually when I'm trying to cook dinner or clean the house) I put on an episode of Messy goes to Okido for Ivy to watch, and she happily sits down with her Messy toy and they watch it together.  I love that the show is educational, there's always something that Messy wants to find out more about (another one of his catchphrases, "If you want to know, go to Okido") so he sets off for Okido to learn more about it.  It's a fun way to learn about colours, numbers, our bodies and all sorts of other topics.  Ivy gets to watch an episode then we sit down together and talk about it.

I love that this Messy toy talks but is still cozy and snuggly and perfectly safe for Ivy to then take up to her room and cuddle up with for her nap.  I'm sure that Messy will be coming on a lot of our adventures with us now as well!

Enter to win a Talking Messy Goes to Okido toy of your own!

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* This is a review post, we were given a Talking Messy toy from Golden Bear to play with and write our honest opinions about.*

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  1. Colourful and cuddly.

    Rachel Craig

  2. It's hard to get anything out of him when he watches it (he is 3) but he loves the theme tune! He always gets up to dance when it's on (or when I sing it at the dinner table). To be fair, it is a catchy tune.

  3. The fact that Messi always ends up safe is a good message.

  4. The fact that Massi can speak and they love his "Let's skidoodle okidoodle!"

  5. I like thats its educational any toy with these values are a win for me! X

  6. We love singing the theme tune!

  7. That Messi can talk and is educational.

  8. I don't have any children but would love to win this prize to donate to charity, to go to Romania.

  9. I've never heard of Messy but I'm think grandson would enjoy it

  10. Love the theme tune , so catchy x

  11. My niece loves to sing along with the theme tune

  12. That he says all of his catchphrases from the show,

  13. My daughter loves that he is so cute and loves the learning.

  14. he is too cute!! i love that its educational too

  15. My son is autistic so not really sure what he likes most about it but he seems to love it :D

  16. My sister likes the catchphrases

  17. Love singing the theme tune with my 3 year old granddaughter

  18. The theme song and that he is cuddly

  19. The fact that they can take him to join in with pretty much everything they do (except bathtime of course)

  20. I think my daughter will love that it is soft and cuddly.

  21. This be great for my wee nephew.x

  22. They love his voice because they think it's really funny! - my 3 year old runs around the living room shouting "balabalaboomboom!" so thanks cbeebies for that lol!!

  23. Heather Morrison26 October 2016 at 11:21

    My little boy repeats all of the little sayings too!! Love it when they copy funny things from the telly xx

  24. Theme tune is a fave, gets my daughters attention :)

  25. hes lovely and educational

  26. My daughter loves it and I love that it's educational!

  27. My little one likes how funny and excitable he is, and I like that he's voiced by Adam Buxton from the Adam and Joe show (I was a big fan in the nineties)

  28. He says funny words and nice colour

  29. Singing along to the theme tune :) and the cuteness of course

  30. Messy's clumsy character (@PeanutHog)

  31. its educational entertainment !

  32. Freya says she likes his happy face @Butterflytails

  33. my grandson loves singing along to the tunes

  34. I have never heard of it before.

  35. The theme tune and catchphrases which my daughters love.

  36. I don't think we've ever heard of it before but will check it out!

  37. I've never heard of Messy goes to Okido, I'll have to ask my niece. It's a great idea for a Christmas present though.

  38. I haven't heard of it before but the toy looks so cute, I think my daughter would love it

  39. My niece loves the theme tune (it is very catchy).

  40. My son likes the music and the characters, he enjoys watching it.

  41. i like how it looks and that it is educational, there are some toys out there that have no qualities about it other than its entertaining, but when they are really young i think its such an important time to start their learning.

  42. The theme tune and that it speaks. Thank you for the lovely giveaway xx

  43. The theme tune and the catchy phrases!

  44. It's a little different to the usual cuddly toy. The name is lovely, too.

  45. Don't think they've ever watched, will have to see if I can find it for them.

  46. my 3 have never watched it, so don't know what a cutie he is, I will try and look out for it, for them to watch

  47. They love the theme tune and that he talks

  48. Just the music at the moment but I am sure my little one will get into it soon. She loves a cuddly toy :-)

  49. Music and cuddly is two combos my great niece loves

  50. My daughter loves how clumsy and silly Messi is :) Thanks for the chance

  51. My little one doesn't talk yet so she can't really tell me what it is she loves but whenever the theme tune comes on it instantly grabs her attention


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