3 1/2 years old

Reindeer in Here


It's almost time to get ready for Christmas, and we are already excited!  And now we have a new little friend to help us to prepare for the big day.  I would like to introduce you to the Reindeer in Here our new friend for the month of December.

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I know what you might be thinking, that this is another stressful toy that needs to be moved around and doing different things each day, but actually Reindeer in Here is sort of the opposite.  He arrives at the beginning of December and you give him to your child, along with the book.  

You then read the story together, all about how Santa wanted to send reindeer down to meet and get to know all of the children so that they could tell Santa all about them and help him to decide which presents to get them.

The children then get to name their own reindeer and spend time bonding with him.  They can take him everywhere they go, showing him what they get up to, so that he can report back to Santa.

I gave Ivy our Reindeer in Here a bit early, and she loves him already!  She decided to call him Mixa and loves to cuddle him, he's so soft and fluffy.  She was really excited to show him around straight away.

First she showed him the table where she has her breakfast, and she offered to share with him (so we're definitely off to a good start!)

Next we were doing some Christmas crafts, so that was another good opportunity to show her new pal Mixa the reindeer the sort of things that she likes to do (and how good she is getting at using her scissors properly).

She then took him over to our reading area and tucked him in with some blankets to read some books together and for a little nap.

I love that Reindeer in Here is not stressful at all, you spend the first day reading and talking about this lovely tradition, then the rest is up to the children.  Then on Christmas Eve you place your reindeer back under the Christmas tree for Santa to pick him up and report back.  It's the perfect addition to our lovely family Christmas traditions, and so easy for the children to understand.

The Reindeer in Here set will be available to buy on Black Friday from Amazon for $24.99.

But you could win one!  Enter here for a chance to win:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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* This is a review post, we were sent a Reindeer in Here set in order to try it out and write our honest opinion.*

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  1. Aww this is the cutest little Reindeer I have ever seen, so so cute! I would give him to my daughter Heidi :)

  2. I'd give to my daughter as I love reindeers and have several in my Christmas decorations

  3. Looks adorable. My son would love it :-)

  4. I would give it to my neighbours little boy he would love it.

  5. I would give it to my beautiful granddaughter who would absolutely love him.

  6. I don't have any children but would love to win this prize to donate to charity

  7. It would go to my son to keep his elf on the shelf company

  8. my godson leo would love this x

  9. i would give this to my grandson jacob

  10. I would give it to my friends daughter Ruby :)

  11. I would give this to my Granddaughter.

  12. this would be perfect fr my little Grandson!

  13. I would give it to my Granddaughter she is going to be 3 next week. She would love it x

  14. My 5 year old daughter would absolutely love this xxx

  15. I would give it to my daughter.

  16. Awww my daughter would absolutely love him :) such cute eyes x

  17. my girl would so be in love with this x

  18. My beautiful little Beatrice.

  19. My 2 youngest children would love it

  20. My Godchild.

    Rachel Craig

  21. I would give it to my youngest son, he would love this

  22. My youngest son would love this

  23. This is lovely, just right for my nephew.

  24. I would give it to my daughters..

  25. I would give him to my youngest son. He'd absolutely love him.

  26. would give it to my son he loves everything christmas at the moment

  27. My niece she loves her soft toys

  28. A perfect gift for youngest grandson, he would love it

  29. I would gift it to my 2 year old god daughter!

  30. I would give it to my little grandson who would be so pleased!

  31. Oh I so wish I was a child! Luckily my youngest will be just as keen to share her life with a reindeer

  32. I rather fancy it myself but our youngest would be the lucky recipient if I won.

  33. This is a lovely idea, I would gift it to a friend's son if I won

  34. My son would love , thankyou for the chance

  35. I would give this to my little girl :)

  36. My little boy Reece would love this xx :)

  37. I would love to win this for my nephew.

  38. my children would love this lil cutie!

  39. My niece Jodie

  40. I would like to gift it to my nephew.

  41. I would share with my daughter as we both love reindeer

  42. I'd give it to my little Grandson

  43. I'd give this to my beautiful niece she would adore this xx

  44. I'd give it to my little girl. She would love it!

  45. My youngest grandson Harley would love this

  46. I would keep him at my house, then all my grandkids, niece's and nephews could share him

  47. I would give this to my little great nephew

  48. I would give this to my son 🎄

  49. Maybe my great-niece if she's lucky. He's so cute, I might have to rehome him myself lol. :)

  50. would keep it in my house and the grandchildren will share it.

  51. I'd give this to my daughter Lily, she adores reindeer <3


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