We went to Bricklive Christmas this weekend and absolutely loved it! It is running in London up until 7th January at the Saatchi Gallery. If you have a Lego fan in the family (or you are a Lego fan) then it truly is a day out that you have to experience. The gallery itself is lovely and in a fantastic part of London to visit (especially at this time of year with all of the Christmas lights) and being in a gallery really does make the event a bit less hectic than I expected as it's such a well laid out and calming space.
The tickets for Bricklive Christmas are for a 2 hour time slot, so do make sure that you get there on time as there is a lot to do in that 2 hours! You can buy tickets for £15 each (children 3 and under get in free) or you can get premium tickets for £30 each which include a tote bag, make and take reindeer and a lanyard.
The event is split up into different rooms, which makes it really easy to navigate and to plan out your time there. The first room is Star Wars themed, there are fantastic pieces of artwork on the walls and hugs creations all around the room, some made free hand and some from Lego kits.
Then in the middle of the room, surrounding the huge Millennium Falcon are tables set up with trays full of Lego for you to build your own Star Wars inspired creations. The kids loved being able to see all of the Star Wars constructions and then building their own to add to the collection on the table.
The next room is Minecraft themed, with all sorts of big Minecraft cut outs and furniture, a wall of video game systems that you can play.
We don't know much about Minecraft, but still had a go at building our own creations at another set of tables with trays to build your own Minecraft structures.
At the back of the room is the Architecture themed area, which features some seriously incredible creations and trays full of all white bricks to make your own architecture buildings.
The third room has a bit of everything with the huge graffiti wall to make your name out of Lego on, the massive brick pit that you can climb right into an make some Lego snow angels, the fun racing ramps and trays of Lego to make your own race car. There's even a winners stand and a trophy to hold up if you win your race.
In the final room there are things to buy, as well as the huge Christmas mosaic picture that you can make a tile for. There are also stations to make Lego Christmas presents and Lego snowmen. There is also a display of Lego creations and a few tables with Lego items to purchase.
Once we finished the final room I asked the children what they liked the best, and we would spend the rest of the time there. So Ethan firmly planted himself in the Star Wars room to build a ship and Ivy ran around in circles unable to decide what she liked best!
We had a great time exploring the Bricklive Christmas event, it's the perfect way to spend a chilly day playing and learning indoors over the Christmas break, we highly recommend it!
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* This is a review post, we were given tickets to Bricklive Christmas in order to attend the event and write an honest review.*
The tickets for Bricklive Christmas are for a 2 hour time slot, so do make sure that you get there on time as there is a lot to do in that 2 hours! You can buy tickets for £15 each (children 3 and under get in free) or you can get premium tickets for £30 each which include a tote bag, make and take reindeer and a lanyard.
The event is split up into different rooms, which makes it really easy to navigate and to plan out your time there. The first room is Star Wars themed, there are fantastic pieces of artwork on the walls and hugs creations all around the room, some made free hand and some from Lego kits.
Then in the middle of the room, surrounding the huge Millennium Falcon are tables set up with trays full of Lego for you to build your own Star Wars inspired creations. The kids loved being able to see all of the Star Wars constructions and then building their own to add to the collection on the table.
The next room is Minecraft themed, with all sorts of big Minecraft cut outs and furniture, a wall of video game systems that you can play.
We don't know much about Minecraft, but still had a go at building our own creations at another set of tables with trays to build your own Minecraft structures.
At the back of the room is the Architecture themed area, which features some seriously incredible creations and trays full of all white bricks to make your own architecture buildings.
The third room has a bit of everything with the huge graffiti wall to make your name out of Lego on, the massive brick pit that you can climb right into an make some Lego snow angels, the fun racing ramps and trays of Lego to make your own race car. There's even a winners stand and a trophy to hold up if you win your race.
In the final room there are things to buy, as well as the huge Christmas mosaic picture that you can make a tile for. There are also stations to make Lego Christmas presents and Lego snowmen. There is also a display of Lego creations and a few tables with Lego items to purchase.
Once we finished the final room I asked the children what they liked the best, and we would spend the rest of the time there. So Ethan firmly planted himself in the Star Wars room to build a ship and Ivy ran around in circles unable to decide what she liked best!
We had a great time exploring the Bricklive Christmas event, it's the perfect way to spend a chilly day playing and learning indoors over the Christmas break, we highly recommend it!
For more fun, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest and sign up to receive our newsletter for regular updates!
Follow Play & Learn Everyday's board Play & Learn Everyday - Crafts and Activities from the Blog on Pinterest.
* This is a review post, we were given tickets to Bricklive Christmas in order to attend the event and write an honest review.*